Jordan + Carlos || Savannah GA Wedding
April 13, 2015I Had so much fun photographing Jordan’s and Carlos wedding in Savannah - Georgia.
We met on their engagement session one year before their wedding on Winter Park, FL and it was so much fun. We had a great time and I could tell that they were super in love and they were a special couple. <3 They booked me right after the session and during the year we talked a lot about the wedding details and everything else, including Hulk {my dog} and Stinky {their cat} lol!
The year passed so fast and then we went to Savannah GA to photograph the wedding and it was so good. They got married on the Whitefiled Square, the most beautiful square in Savannah! We had a great time there exploring the city. I am so glad to be able to be part of important moments on someone’s life like these one, this is something that makes me keep going!
When I was editing the photos I felt like I was back there… Looking through the pictures makes me want to go back.
Thank you {one more time} for choosing me! I feel blessed to be part of your journey.
I wish all the happiness for you guys!